What to keep in your car…
Candidates and staffers often feel like they live out of their cars during campaigns. If it is going to be your second home, then there are some things you should keep in your car.
This is by no means a complete list and individual campaigns will have special needs that should be addressed. This tip is specifically designed for the candidate, but is good advice for anyone who travels with or for the campaign.
Anti-bacterial hand gel – In a local race you will be shaking hands with hundreds or thousands of strangers. In a state-wide race, it could be tens of thousands. Washing your hands regularly and/or using anti-bacterial hand gel will help to reduce chances of losing campaign time to illness.
A “good” supply of campaign CHUM – Keep a supply of your main materials in presorted packets. People will want to impress you with the amount they can distribute, but all too often it will end up in the garbage. When people ask for campaign material, give them a small amount along with the name and contact information of someone to who can get them more when they run out.
Changes of clothes – You should have at least one change of dress and casual clothing. Don’t forget socks, rain coat, and shoes (spare laces are good, too). Depending on how long you’ll be on the road, more clothes may be needed.
Phone/GPS charger – Get a cheap charger with multiple adaptors
First Aid Kit – Don’t go cheap on this one and make sure to have an extra supply of aspirin, cough drops, cold medicine.
Food – Keep high protein snacks on hand. Junk food and sugary snacks maybe fun, but nothing good comes from a candidate in his 12th hour of campaigning whose blood sugar crashes.
Water – Coffee and caffeinated beverages may get you through a long day, but water is important, too. Stay hydrated!
Map – I know a GPS is easier and most smart phones can do a good job, but if you’re in a bind with no signal and a dead GPS, you will be glad you have a fall back.
Digital Camera / Video Camera: Back-up cameras can really save the day and given the quality of digital devices now, a spare is an inexpensive safety blanket you will be glad you have.
Some other items: garbage bags, road flares, blanket, sun screen, Imodium, Benadryl, pen, paper, fire extinguisher