Democratic Political Consulting for Candidates and Progressive Causes
The Campaign HQ provides Democratic political consulting. We have successfully represented Democratic candidates, progressive causes and non-profit organizations for more than 15 years. Our team has over 150 years of joint campaign experience.
At The Campaign HQ, we believe that People are Politics.
What do we mean by that? We believe the key to winning is in all aspects of your campaign, fundraising, advertising, polling or GOTV, you need to remember that voters are people not just numbers on a page.
We bring that core philosophy to all aspects of our consulting. Each candidate, campaign or organization is different. We don’t use a “cookie cutter” approach, expecting you or your campaign to fit our molds. We’ll work with you to develop a winning strategy that fits you, your needs and your organization.
Latest Campaign Democratic Political Consulting Techniques and Trends
As a member of the American Association of Political Consultants, The Campaign HQ stays on top of the latest techniques and trends in campaigning to give our clients every advantage. Campaigning has changed a lot in just the last few years. If you are not aware of and using the latest, most effective techniques you are committing political malpractice.
Campaigning is too demanding a job unless you love it! We are passionate about campaigning and politics and would love to bring our enthusiasm to your campaign.
Thank you for visiting our website! We hope you enjoy learning more about what we do at The Campaign HQ. If you would like to speak with a member of our team, email us or call (502) 209-7619.